Thursday, February 22, 2007


Well, there's been a very large hue and cry over the whole Shilpa Shetty incident. We have cried ourselves hoarse about how it was unfair to the "poor" dame and very conveniently declared everyone from a commoner on the street to the Queen of England a racist pig!

I think it's time we did some introspection. Who are we to call anyone else a racist, when even in this day and age, we have divided ourselves on the basis of various castes. Even educated people in urban areas resort to this kind of intellectual poverty when it comes to choosing the "appropriate" bride/groom for themselves/their kids.

Now isn't that even worse than racism!
So fellow Indians, stop showing such double standards and be a little more open-minded.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Regularity needed

Whew! It's been almost 3 months since I've posted anything. The funny thing is I've had a lot of time on hand of late, and still haven't written anything.

A promise to be more regular in the future...
